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What is Rhino Boulder Gym?

Rhino Boulder Gym is a locally established climbing gym in Ghent, run by passionate climbers and a motivated team. Together we provide sufficient variety and challenges for everyone in a relaxed atmosphere.

For kids, there are seperate climbing routes as well, suited for children of 5 years and above.

What is bouldering? Read it here.

Also read our house rules.


After exercising, you can use our hot showers. You can discuss your achievements and ambitions in our cozy bar or on the sunny outdoor terrace. A number of snacks are also available to satisfy your hunger. Finally, there is our Rhino shop, where you can get the necessary goodies to further refine your bouldering skills, or just to look all Rhino!










10am - 11pm  bar until midnight

10am - 11pm  bar until midnight

08am - 11pm  bar until midnight

10am - 11pm  bar until midnight

10am - 11pm  bar until midnight

10am - 08pm  bar until 08 p.m

10am - 10pm  bar until 10 p.m

Deze openingsuren gelden ook voor feestdagen.



Did you know that you are insured for everything that concerns both indoor and outdoor climbing when you become a member of KBF? If you select Rhino Bouldergym vzw as a club, you will not only receive a 10% discount on all entrance fees, but also in our shop.

Rhino Gift Card

Onze Gift Cards zijn eenvoudig online aan te schaffen en kunnen voor verschillende diensten in de klimzaal worden ingewisseld: van de shop, workshops en lessen, tot consumpties.
Kortom, voor alles wat Rhino te bieden heeft.

praktische en flexibele gift voor elke klimmer!


In our shop you will find everything you need to get started, from climbing shoes to training material.

Both for indoor and outdoor activities such as trekking, bouldering, sport climbing....


Members of KBF and Rhino subscribers receive a 10% discount on all items in the shop. (not valid on home products)


* € 8 per day

* € 48 per week

* € 50 deposit

We work together with


Rhino Boulder Gym is an UiTPAS partner.

UiTPAS Region Gent is a savings and discount card for all kinds of leisure activities in Ghent.

Are you coming to bouldering at Rhino Boulder Gym? Don't forget your UitPAS and save a point!

Are you a resident of Ghent, Merelbeke, Destelbergen, Melle or Lochristi and are you entitled to increased allowance, living wage or debt mediation? Then you are entitled to an UitPas with a discount rate. This gives you an 80% discount. Provide your UitPAS number when registering.

Attention: the UiTPAS is a personal card.

If you would like more information about UiTPAS, surf to .


On Wednesday from 12h - 17h you can use the Sport Na School pass in Rhino Boulder Gym. 

More info on the website


By car?

Attention: Rhino Boulder Gym is located in a LEZ zone. Public parking is available within walking distance just outside the LEZ zone.

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Rhino Boulder Gym
Kaarderijstraat 69
9000 Ghent
VAT BE 0738.477.727
IBAN BE14 7350 5360 2083

IBAN ASBL BE34 7360 7503 2190

Monday - Friday 10 am - 11 pm

Wednesday from 08am

Saturday - Sunday 10am - 8pm

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